Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Nub watch 2022 ~ just five days later


Only five days after last week’s nub watch, I feel much more encouraged that spring might actually be here to stay. As our temps jumped from 30s to 80s ~ in one day, of course, this being Chicago ~ our perennials leapt wide awake from their beds.


 A few mornings ago when I went out to get the newspaper from the lawn, I felt momentarily disoriented by seas of yellow in my peripheral vision. Looking up and around, I was never so surprised to see yards and prairies full-blown-out with neon dandelions. The day before, all was green, the next day, bright yellow. Time to check my gardens. Yep, they, too, had had overnight spurts.





An added bonus was the intoxicating fragrance of Judd Viburnum blossoms, also an overnight sensation. I remember twenty years ago when we were choosing a Viburnum for that spot, I traipsed around Chicago Botanic Gardens and the gardens at Cantigny with a little note pad. I climbed up into garden beds ~ probably stepping over “Please stay on the sidewalk” signs ~ to stick my nose right in their blooming Viburnums. I had to be careful not to inhale bees. I jotted what Viburnum variety had the best fragrance. My research paid off. Every spring, if I get to plant annual pansies and snapdragons with Viburnum perfume wafting around me, I consider myself a lucky gal.

Welcome, Spring!

Friday, May 6, 2022

Nub watch 2022


I’m really struggling to imagine spring as winter lingers into May. Sigh. My first thought as I look at a desolate fern garden with just little brown bumps here and there and almost completely black dirt the length of the garage where lilies of the valley exuberantly leafed green last summer, is “This is depressing.” The garden seems to be taking its sweet time to peep out this spring. But finally this week, I have a little bit of hope in the form of one (count ’em, one) fiddlehead and some muguet nubs!