Friday, October 9, 2020

First foray

Coronavirus chronicle continued ...


A friend and I met at our usual favorite restaurant for lunch. It was my first foray into group dining since February. We were happy to see a large tent and widely spaced tables outside, but sad to learn this restaurant now is open only for dinner. We stood in the parking lot to Google every nearby restaurant to learn their hours. Much to our surprise, most of them are also now closed during lunchtime.


Fortunately, a Walker Brothers Pancake House was nearby. They not only serve pancakes and other breakfast items, but they also offer some lunch plates. We loved it! 


In July, a friend came over for lunch on my front porch. Last weekend, my sister and I got deli food and made our own pop-up cafe on a grassy knoll in a parking lot. Not the best ambiance, but oh, the person-to-person conversation was grand.


This week's first actual restaurant dining was, I hope, just the beginning. Time will tell if we successfully dodged droplets, but I did feel reasonably safe. Restaurants seem to be taking wise anti-COVID precautions with their outdoor seating.

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