Saturday, April 17, 2010


In three days at The Festival of Faith and Writing, I have sat in numerous lecture halls for classes, and I have planted myself on numerous benches in tulip gardens between classes. Here are some miscellaneous snippets I heard and overheard:

in the beginning was the Word
how far up do you want to be?
the litmus test of vocation: i can't NOT do it
an essay is mosaic art, a stained glass window light can come through
archeology professor
someone has to write web content
monster truck rally of writers conferences
i mean that in a good way
it would feel more like a job
he wasn't that creative in the bedroom
poet laureate of Lake Wobegon
divisiveness puts democracy at risk
i forgive you; will you forgive me?
once you think you have the answer, you stop asking questions
oprah called just to say thanks
anyone know where i can find coffee?
eavesdropping complicates everything

1 comment:

Ferree Bowman Hardy said...

What a good way to gather your impressions of the festival! Poetic, too! Thanks for summing it up like this.