that an elected leader comes into office at his most popular and least capable
and leaves office at his least popular, most competent moment, he revealed that
what he longed to say to British citizens during his tenure was, “I’m still
learning here.” (Alarmed at how the country might panic at their leader’s
admitting this, his public relations people advised against his saying this
while in office!) When Blair spoke last night of various world conflicts, he
called leaders’ decisions extremely difficult and said as prime minister, he
had to just do what he thought was right. It may or may not have been right,
but it was what he thought was right after considering facts. What we saw was a
very human side of a world leader.
remarks both softened and sharpened my expectations of current world leaders.
On one hand—hey, they’re only human. On the other hand, an honorable leader
must act in the interests of all voters, not just his party base.
the current North Korean threat, Blair stated that to manage that situation to
a place of stability, we need to be diplomatically smart and militarily strong.
Also, we need to understand that extremist religions and rogue states present
long drawn-out struggles that are not easily solved; and intervention and
nonintervention both carry costs. He said very few countries are in a position
to shape the world for the better.
believes the key to narrowing the economic chasm is education—not just formal
education, but open-mindedness and ability to adapt to change. He said that if
business owners have passion, pride, and pleasure, they are more likely to have
Tony Blair himself did not mention communitarianism last night, another speaker
did attribute this philosophy to Blair. As I understand it, communitarianism is
a middle ground between socialism, where the person is dehumanized and the
state is personified, and individualism, where the autonomous self reigns. In
this middle ground, individuals do not just pursue their own ends but they all
contribute to the flourishing of a wider society. An individual’s role is for
others; it is in service that one becomes his true self. I would like to
further research the communitarianism philosophy, but so far, doesn’t it sound
a lot like what God had in mind for us? It also sounds better than either
socialism or capitalism.
food for thought last night. Thank you, Tony Blair.
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